Month: June 2004

  • I Love My Grandma

    “I wish I could vote twice to counteract you kids!” (This is after I suggested that she not vote for Bush :oD) I was just calling to say hi, and to get a recipe, but I always like to briefly turn the conversation to politics, if nothing else because of her very different opinion. Always…

  • Overexertion -> Worthlessness

    Yesterday I played ultimate frisbee for about an hour and a half after work. We had enough people that we split into two games, and as it happened, I ended up in a game with players at least a class or two above my “skill” level. The end result was that I was in a…

  • LEGOs!

    Meepsie sent me LEGO in a care package :oD! In more practical matters, the package contained my pillowcases, which weren’t included in the package containing my blue sheets, which had been left at home after she sorted them in with my parental units’ sheets. Also, banana bread! But now I have a miniature Knight Bus…

  • Travel & Projects

    Bruce finalized our travel plans for AAAI 2004 in San Jose. We’ll be leaving Philly bright and early on Sunday, July 25th, and returning late Friday night. The robots (hopefully will have them all up and running by then – he’s made a lot of progress with both Frodo and Gollum) will get shipped before…

  • Das Borkenbrain

    We had an SCCS party tonight to say goodbye (just for the summer) to . I made American Flags (the drink, not the national symbol) for myself, Sasha, and Dan, and I also had some good beer (including a chickory stout that I had previously had at White Dog Cafe), and a Cinco de Mayo…

  • A New Project

    I just finished writing a RelaxNG XML schema to describe a basic Robo Rally board in XML. Step two: write a parser to load the XML board into a set of data structures. Step three: write a visualizer to convert a parsed XML board into an image of said board. At that point, I’ll have…

  • I don’t understand eBay

    I was bidding on an item I want, and I’ve gone up to the maximum price I’m willing to pay – but the current highest bidder already had a higher maximum, so he automagically outbid me. That means that all I’ve effectively done is increase the cost of the item by about $10 for some…

  • Yes, Forever Game

    With brief respites for obtaining food, I basically gamed from noon yesterday until 7 am this morning. Summary: I won, I lost, brain no worky. Of course, all of this was after a wedding. I was about to leave ML in normal clothing when I ran into , who reminded me that I should probably…


    Get this… ‘s mom has a 1-800 number!! That is hilarious! Think of it what you will… Heh… 1-800-FRITZS-MOM (not a real phone number, of course). I promise to do a real update soon.