Month: April 2004

  • The Meaning of Life + 1

    I got my lottery number: 43. Yay! I should be able to get a single in Wharton with this. Emery got 220, and he, Jake, Taki, and Daren didn’t get their block. I think Emery is trying to convince me to snag one of the loft doubles in the new dorm. The fact is, I…

  • Random Playlists

    Random Playlist 1, Nick 0. As you can see, the Enterprise theme just came up on my playlist. ::shudder:: Why couldn’t it have been orchestral? Why??? Talking about this reminds me that I wrote a long rant about this back when I was using kuro5hin for my journal, which in turn reminds me that I…

  • Look! Up in the sky!

    It’s a post about SWIL! After over 48 straight hours of doing no work, I might as well keep my streak going… First of all, I’ve missed a number of meetings this semester, including the one where the most recent incident occurred. I don’t think I would call this SWIL politics, but rather SWIL sociology,…

  • Weirder and Weirder…

    My dreams are approaching inexplicable. It started with my sister, her friend, a few of my friends from high school and I barely escaping the tidal wave caused by a comet in pact out in the harbor. We then spent a few hours trying to sneak onto a waterpark ride with Weird Al, that involved…

  • Christ is Risen!

    He is Risen Indeed!! Ah, I love that responsory :o). The service was very nice, although the weather did not cooperate completely, so we didn’t have much of a sunrise. Still, the air was cool and crisp, there were a lot of people together to worship, the birds were calling each other, the woodpeckers were…

  • Holy Week

    Hrm… there’s no default mood icon that is spiritual/contemplative/whatever. I am getting up in less than 4 hours to go to a sunrise easter service. Hopefully this will not completely make me crazy, seeing as how I have two lab reports to finish up tomorrow. I went to the service last year, and I really…

  • Bunny Suits

    In the most recent Enterprise episode we watched, they finally got T’pol in a normal uniform. And hey, whaddayaknow, she looks a lot better than in her special pink bunny suit! Just like Counselor Troi looked better once she started wearing a normal uniform in the 6th and 7th seasons of NextGen. Dax always looked…

  • All-day Gaming Session

    I must be halfway to the Earth’s core at the rate I’m digging myself into this geek hole… Today we played in Jake’s feudal Japan D&D adventure. It was really just a D20 system massive battle, but it was pretty cool. He incorporated a lot of his knowledge of Japanese culture and language. My only…

  • I am the Mixologist, Goo-Goo Goo-Joob

    We had a small party in our room this evening, to watch The Pirates of the Caribbean on the big screen. We had piratical beverages, based largely on rum and blue curaçao. I purchased these items today, which was my first real liquor purchase. They swipe your idea, and the register prints out a little…

  • Enterprise is not Star Trek

    Yet another in my string of super-geeky posts… So Enterprise has gotten simply amazing levels of eye-candy in its third season. With the exception of the last episode we watched, the writing has definitely improved as well. It is totally the advances in computer graphics that have allowed this. They can put 15 new spaceships…