Category: LiveJournal

  • XKCD Meetup

    Well, I survived. My best estimate is that 700-800 people were there at the event’s peak, which was far more than I expected. I suspect that the SWIL equivalents at nearby academic institutions helped mobilize everyone. There was a preponderance of geeky t-shirts, not just ones from XKCD. I was weird in that I was…

  • XKCD Meetup

    In about an hour, I’ll be at some coordinates in North Cambridge that were specified in this web comic. If you don’t hear from me, assume it was all a trap and that I’ve been eaten by raptors.

  • Suzanne Vega in Concert

    put out a call on the Boston [FUN] list that there was a ticket for tonight’s Suzanne Vega concert at the Somerville Theater. I was ‘s last-minute replacement; I also got to chat briefly with Amy (Why am I blanking on your LJ? Stupid brain.), , and before and after the show. It was good;…

  • Traffic Law Question

    A motorcycle officer passes you in the left lane while you are in the right lane; his lights are blinking, but there is no siren. He pulls into the intersection you are approaching, and stops traffic (your light was already red, anyway). What do you do? I signaled my braking and stopped at the red…

  • Things I Learned This Week

    To get into the building where you get your Harvard ID, you need a Harvard ID. Yelling “share the road” at a car looks like “asshole” (same vowels) if said car’s windows are closed. I can go on a blind date. I like the new Dr. Who. There is such a thing as Dalek porn.…

  • Irregular Verbs

    So, I was having a discussion about verb tenses with a friend who is a copyeditor at a newspaper. The subject turned to us complaining about “pleaded” – the newspaperese past tense of “to plead”. Both of our NESIs say that it should be “pled”, by analogy with “to lead”/”led”. That got us talking about…

  • Science + Christianity T-shirt Idea

    Thanks to ‘s reaction to my regular “Churchylizing” away message for Sunday mornings, the following t-shirt idea popped into my head. However, I’m not sure on the proper way to art it up, since I haven’t taken chemistry in 7 years. First, we have a quotation from John 1 “In the beginning was the Word”;…

  • Sabbath Cheating

    Random thought of the day: Today’s gospel was Luke 13:10-17, the story of Jesus healing a woman in the temple on the Sabbath. I was reminded that, sometime shortly after learning this story in Sunday School, my sister and I started saying on Sundays that we couldn’t do our chores because it was the day…

  • Luggage Culture

    So, my flight from Minneapolis back to Boston happened to have a group of at least 50 Japanese students. While waiting for my checked baggage, I noticed something: the typical American traveler uses what I would call a roller bag (a few, like me, use duffels or rolling duffels), whereas all of these students had…

  • 2010

    I think I saw 2001 the movie first, certainly didn’t understand it, then I read all four books in high school at some point. I don’t think I was even aware that there was a second movie until Netflix recommended it to me last year some time (yes, it only just now made it to…