Tag: selfie

  • New Glasses

    After almost three years without a vision checkup, found my nearsightedness increased slightly in one eye. Picked out some new frames in a different style, courtesy Queen Anne Eye Clinic.

  • One Dose Down

    Joining Team Pfizer. Found an appointment at a random Safeway down in Kent now that Washington is in Phase 3. Second dose scheduled!

  • Last Drop

    Staycation is going well.

  • Beardo Wardo

    Playing around with shaping my quarantine beard. First time I’ve ever tried managing it… I’m usually either clean shaven or lazy scruffy.

  • Sleepy Pup

    Sleepy Pup

    Pike woke up at about 6:30 am needing to go outside, and when we got back he claimed most of my pillow.

  • Living Computers

    Living Computers

  • Make Me Go

    Celebrating Picard day with my Make It So mug. I’m sleepy because I got paged last night.

  • Pikeman

    Thinking of becoming a 1/2/1 Medieval Era defensive unit.

  • New Glasses?

    Thinking of trying some thicker frames.

  • Moustache

    Andrle needed to test the Halloween makeup.