Month: July 2004

  • Ramen for Breakfast

    We’re out of milk. There is no Sharples, Tarble, or Kohlberg food available. Other sources are a long walk away. I am stuck with ramen for breakfast. I mean, I like ramen and everything, but I think that breakfast is probably the least appropriate meal for ramen consumption. Thankfully I have a good 4th of…

  • The Confusion

    I just finished it :o). I had 40 pages to read during lunch. Another excellent book from Mr. Neal Stephenson! I’d put it on par with Cryptonomicon, and definitely better than the first book in the trilogy, Quicksilver. Like the first book in the Baroque Cycle, The Confusion had the advantage of not having to…

  • The Great Purges

    Some of you may notice that I just performed a major purge of my LJ friends. I hope I haven’t personally offended any of you, but I’ll explain myself anyway. Basically, my friends page has gotten too big. Many of you are prolific posters, and I’m always drawn to Internet-based procrastination. The end result is…