Category: Code Projects

  • YOURLS Plugin: Remove YouTube Play Indicator

    A few months ago, I set up a self-hosted YOURLS install to handle all of my URL-shortening needs, replacing I decided I wanted to be wholly responsible for breaking any links in the future. It’s here, although probably at some point I’ll buy a shorter domain and redirect everything. Last month, YouTube added a play indicator…

  • Netflix Ratings Import/Export


    Andrle and I each used to have our own Netflix accounts. For a time, after we got married, we kept both; mine was used for disc rentals, and hers for streaming. Eventually we realized we were mostly just streaming, so we canceled my account and went to a single shared account. Sadly, this meant I…

  • Instagram-negative

    If you were on the media social much shortly before Christmas, you no doubt heard quite the kerfuffle about changes to Instagram’s Terms of Service that would take effect on January 16th, 2013, in part related to Facebook’s purchase of the service earlier last year. While much of this response was overblown, and based on…

  • Robot Evolution

    Although it’s been almost a month since the end of the semester, I wanted to share some of the final project that consumed most of my time and mental capacity in April. I was taking CS266: Bio-inspired Multi-agent Systems from Prof. Rhadika Nagpal. It was a very fun course, emphasizing seminar-style discussion of research papers, with labs…

  • BackSnapper – My First Chrome Extension


    BackSnapper On a whim tonight, I whipped up my first Google Chrome extension in about 2 hours. A non-trivial amount of time was spent writing it up and making the icons. It’s obviously very simple, but it replicates one of my favorite features of Safari 3: SnapBack (the feature got eviscerated in Safari 4). Basically…

  • Tweetworks Python API

    Tweetworks Python API Version 1.0.0b1 of the tweetworks package for Python 2.6 is now available. This package implements the web service API for Tweetworks, a Web 2.0 service that facilitates threaded conversations on top of Twitter. This is definitely a beta, because while I’ve tested everything I can think of, I haven’t tried writing anything…