Unexpected Disclaimer

Before a NOVA episode: “The following program contains explicit visual material. Viewer discretion is advised.”

The subject matter is bonobos, but I guess they must show stuff about the Congo wars.

It was not accompanied by the Fox announcer saying “Viewer discretion… is advised” in a voice that makes it sound like “viewer discretion” is totally awesome, and involves explosions and blood.


9 responses to “Unexpected Disclaimer”

  1. Given what bonobos are best known for, I would have expected a different reason for that disclaimer.

  2. yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

  3. “whoa, we found food! orgy!”

  4. That turned out to be the case. I was unaware of their reputation.

  5. heh. Bonobos are like sensitive new age hippie chimps. they can still pull your arm off if they wanted to, but they’re much less likely to want to.

  6. yea whatever dude. we’re all on to your twisted HD addictions :-P

  7. the Fox announcer say[s] “Viewer discretion… is advised” in a voice that makes it sound like “viewer discretion” is totally awesome

    I totally agree!

    Plus, I already have pleasant associations with that phrase because I only hear it before episodes of House, M.D..

  8. even then, I’m not sure the warning is really warranted. do you think the eps of House with the disclaimer are actually any worse than the regular ones?

  9. ::massive shrug:: I dunno…but it makes the episode sound exciting! :-D

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