I’ve been in a black hole

The black hole that is Hicks, the engineering building. I spent 35 hours in the building last Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and over 10 more hours outside of the building still doing engineering-related work. This basically means that the rest of my time was spent eating or sleeping.

The really, really scary part is that I liked almost every minute of it. Help me.

Also contained herein: Spanish, the Pterodactyl Hunt, The Lord of the Rings, and meeting Neal Stephenson.

Poll: What naming convention would you use for your computer and related systems?

Full Story (917 words in story)


2 responses to “I’ve been in a black hole”

  1. thanks for the update — while I’m happily far away from Swat, I still care about what’s going on with all my friends. ;)

  2. Oh, and also for friending me — after all this time reading your k5 journal, I can comment now! Wahey!

Nurd Up!