
I’ve set up FeedBurner for my blog, in part because I’m obsessed with statistics, and in part because I like that nice Google Reader autoprompt when it’s used on other blogs.

UltraNurdage FeedBurner Feed

UltraNurdage Comments FeedBurner Feed

If you’ve already subscribed via RSS, my bandwidth would appreciate you switching to the FeedBurner feeds, as would my stats obsession :o). If you’re reading through the automatic LiveJournal cross-posts, this doesn’t affect you, although if you ever stop using LJ as your feed reader, you’ll find the FeedBurner subscribe link at the top of my blog.


2 responses to “FeedBurner”

  1. i always use feedburner to syndicate my blog posts to other subscribers.–,

  2. i always use feedburner to syndicate my blog posts to other subscribers.”~~

Nurd Up!